Hot Melt Packing Tape
Hot melt packaging tape has a higher adhesive character, making it ideal boxes with high amounts of recycled content.
Hot melt tapes exhibit significantly betteradhesive properties when compared to anacrylic packaging tape. They possess superior holding power and tensile strength with a quick tack. A hot melt tape is ideal for applications involving machine applied tapes, overstuffed boxes, or thosewith a high degree of recycled content. They perform well in temperatures ranging from 45*F to 120*F.
- Can be purchased in both hand-grade rolls andmachine-grade rolls
- Provides easy unwind, as well as consistent and reliable seals
- Higher level of flexibility allows for better performanceunder constant strain or stress
- Available in clear, tan, and colored rolls; sold in "by the case" quantities
- Ideal examples of usage: shipping, short-term storage, box/carton sealing, boxes/cartons with high recycled content
Comparison With Acrylic Packaging Tape
- Hot melt tapes offer exceptional adhesion strength, flexibility, and performs well in varying applications.
- Acrylic tapes are ideal for packaging applications involving extreme temperatures, such as refrigeration, and for sealing boxes that will be warehoused over a long period of time.
- Hot melt tapes can yellow with age, whereas an acrylic tape is less likely to yellow over time.
- Machine grade hot melt tapes generally perform more reliably than machine grade acrylic tapes.
- Both acrylic packaging tape and hot melt carton sealing tapes are comparable in price, offering both premium and economical grades.